How it Works

Position the wetpads underneath areas that are prone to leak and have a instant aleat when any water is detected.

Can be connected to any electronic motorised valve to shut off the water immediately.

The Hardwired version can be connected directly to a BMS system, whereas the wireless version can send leak alerts directly via email / SMS.


All our Wetpad Mats have a quick dry foam surface, with a fast drying time of around 6 hours, so the Wetpads can be reused quickly after a leak.

When a leak is triggered then base unit will go into alarm mode and the LED corresponding to the Zone that sensed the leak will turn on. Once the leak has be fixed and the Mat dried out, simply press the reset button to reactivate protection to this area.

Flexible Design

Designed to fit in narrow voids or be wrapped around pipes at valves or joints.

Available in a variety of sizes ideal for fitting in various locations in a building. For example our 450mm x 60mm Mat is ideal for going underneath a bath or shower, or our 100mm x 100mm Mat fits around a pipe.

Custom sizes are also available up to 830mm x 530mm, please contact us.

Example Kappalert System

Affordable Prices

Low cost prices start from £101.80 for a starter pack.

(Starter pack includes one base unit and one Wetpad Mat).

Please see here or contact us for ordering.

Works with other liquids

Can also be used for detecting leaks other than with water. For example, fertilizer leaks can be monitored in the same with way, with the same mats. Ideal for use on a farm or where fertilizer is used and can prevent costly or dangerous leaks which could be a hazard to the environment.


All our Mats can either be used singly or connected together in groups to form a Zone.

All connections can be done with Twin & Earth Lighting Cable. Simply connect the first Mat to the base unit, then daisy chain all other Mats in series with the first one to create a Protection Zone.